sleep better with essential oils

By simply smelling/inhaling lavender will reduce the stress hormone, cortisol, in your blood stream and protect your body from oxidative stress. Lavender has even been tested out in intensive care units as a way to reduce stress. The efficacy of Lavender as a sleep aide and treatment for sleep disorders, BUT THE LATEST RESEARCH SHOWS that Lavandin (the key ingredient in Natural Rest Sleep Remedy) has the strongest sedating effect!
Hope’s tips
Waking up too early??? Is it the change in the light? A change in your bio-rhythms? Or is your stress disturbing your sleep cycle? Stress is usually what throws us off balance. But to be sure, try this:
Step 1: If you are waking up an hour early go to bed an hour earlier – if you still wake up at the same time – then it isn’t your stress.
Step 2: Blackout your room – go to bed at your normal time – if you still wake up early – then it is your bio-rhythms!
Step 3; how to change your bio rhythms – use H. Gillerman Organics Sleep Remedy when you wake up early to get that extra hour of sleep – gradually your body will change back to your prior rhythyms.
ways to sleep better Hope wants every one to know
DON’T exercise before you go to bed BUT DO exercise! It helps your body rest.
DON’T work right up to your bed time BUT DO finish your work so you have time to unwind and use your night time face cleansing ritual to massage your face – especially around the eyes.
DON’T eat a big meal before you go to bed BUT DO eat a little something that is easy to digest like yogurt – so low blood sugar doesn’t wake you up.
DON’T read non-fiction or watch a suspenseful movie – BUT DO keep it light before you go to bed – so you don’t stay up to finish the book!
DON’T lie in bed waiting to fall asleep BUT DO something about it! Use HGO Sleep Remedy, have a glass of warm milk, soak for 10 minutes in a warm bath (with a capful of Travel or Jaw Clenching Remedy), doing breathing exercises, blackout the room, wear earplugs if your neighbors are noisey (they take a little time to get used to them), use hypnotherapy: in your mind repeat a mantra or an affirmation like “my body is completely relaxed so sleep deeply and wake up rested.”