the NEW!!! ROLL-ON SLEEP REMEDY is now in stock and still at a new introductory price! Roll this beloved night time soother on your neck, chest, third eye, temples to create your own personal anti-worry cocoon.
These oils are especially useful as you prepare for a deeper, more restorative night's rest. When you wake up in the middle of the night, exhale fully, then let in a slow, calm inhale. (No need to try to take a deep breath - too much work while you are trying to get drowsy!) This lightly sweet, herbal scent helps you switch your focus and dissolve the thoughts that are keeping you awake. Hope has chosen these science-backed essential oils, used in hospitals and wellness programs, to help bring on the drowsiness—the natural way to fall asleep.
I always travel with H. Gillerman Organics Sleep Remedy. I douse it on my pillow before I go to sleep. - EVA CHEN, FASHION LIASON for INSTAGRAM
The main issue for most of us is anxiety, and for that you need something to calm the brain. H. Gillerman’s Natural Rest Sleep Remedy works with acu-points to ease mind-body stresses. - HILARY HOWARD, NEW YORK TIMES
KEY ESSENTIAL OILS - diluted in Organic Jojoba oil
8ml, roll-n bottle
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